Natural Wine Co
The Natural Wine Co was officially launched on 14th July 2012 at Gisborne’s Grey Bush Scenic Reserve. A small but very significant reminder of the Kahikatea forest. Once covering the Poverty Bay flats, before it was cleared to create pastoral land. The reserve also provides a home to a diverse range of native birds.
The Gisborne Herald covered the launch, the photo was taken by Gisborne Herald – Nicola Wright and Grant Vincent, Chairman of Gisborne Forest and Bird.

What is The Natural Wine Co? It takes the best about everything in New Zealand and bottles it. Sourcing grapes grown from various regions to showcase the best New Zealand has to offer. The wines are taste explosions and express the variety and area from which the grapes are grown
Under this range we have available a Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Rose, Gewurztraminer and Pinot Gris.
These wines are now available direct from us through our web page or at selected outlets around the country.
Clean, green New Zealand at its very best. A big statement – Let’s back it up. This brand also sponsors The Womens Native Tree Project Trust in Gisborne. This group plants and grows native trees in Gisborne, planting native trees in community areas and maintaining them. They have been active in our region since the 1990’s.
Our wines are made from grapes grown using natural farming methods, applying organic and bio-dynamic methods. The wine is low allergen – minimal additives. Good for the environment – The conservation message. In releasing this wine brand, we have formed a partnership with The Women’s Native Tree Project Trust. Kiwis love and are proud of their natural country.
The Natural Wine Co represents what New Zealand is all about – kiwi ingenuity. hard work and honesty. Be in quick!!